For the theory behind these tables, check out the post where they originally appeared: Happy gaming! -- Martin Ralya --- Barren d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Hobgoblin (6d6x10 goblins, plus hobgoblins: 1 corporal/15 goblins, 1 sergeant/3 corporals, 1 lieutenant/2 sergeants, and 1 general if there are any lieutenants) 26-30 Men, bandit (1d6x10, 1 hero/10, 1 captain/20) 31-35 Men, witch (90% 1, 1 familiar, 10% 12 plus 1 demon) 36-40 Manticore (1d4) 41-45 Ghost (1) 46-50 Shadow (1d3) 51-55 Mummy (1d6) 56-70 Skeleton (3d10) 71-85 Zombie (1d4x4) 86-100 Ghoul (2d8) Hills d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Troglodyte (1 chief, 1d3x10 warriors, 1d3+3 henchmen) 26-30 Men, bandit (1d6x10, 1 hero/10, 1 captain/20) 31-35 Men, acolyte (2d4, plus 75% 4d4 peasants, 50% 1 friar) 36-40 Ant, giant (75% 1 queen, 2d6 soldiers, and 6d6 workers; 25% 1 queen, 1d3x100 workers, and 1 soldier/3 workers) 41-45 Bat (40% 1d5 mundane swarm, 20% 1d5 vampiric swarm, 20% 1d10 giant vampire) 46-50 Ape-man, four-armed (1) 51-55 Basilisk (1d3) 56-70 Giant, hill (1) 71-85 Chimera (1) 86-100 Ape-man, white (2d4) Mountains d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Troglodyte (1 chief, 1d3x10 warriors, 1d3+3 henchmen) 26-30 Men, magician (1, 2d4 subhumans) 31-35 Men, berserker (3d10) 36-40 Pterodactyl (1d4) 41-45 Man-bat (2d4) 46-50 Giant, frost (1) 51-55 Giant, storm (1) 56-70 Giant, stone (1) 71-85 Giant, cloud (1) 86-100 Griffon (1) Plains d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Bugbear (3d6x10 goblins, plus 4 bugbears/30 goblins) 26-30 Men, noble (2d4 nobles, 2d4 knights, 2d5 men-at-arms) 31-35 Men, bandit (1d6x10, 1 hero/10, 1 captain/20) 36-40 Wolf (75% 3d6, plus 75% 1 dire wolf; 25% 2d4 dire wolves) 41-45 Centaur (2d10) 46-50 Chimera (1) 51-55 Hobgoblin (6d6x10 goblins, plus hobgoblins: 1 corporal/15 goblins, 1 sergeant/3 corporals, 1 lieutenant/2 sergeants, and 1 general if there are any lieutenants) 56-70 Gnoll (1d5x10, 1 beta/10, 1 alpha/40) 71-85 Ogre (1) 86-100 Snake, giant (1d4) Swamp d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Kobold (1d10x30, 1 leader and 2 guards/30, 1 tribal leader and 5 guards/100) 26-30 Men, bandit (1d6x10, 1 hero/10, 1 captain/20) 31-35 Men, magician (1, 2d4 subhumans) 36-40 Insect swarm (1d3) 41-45 Snake, giant (1d4) 46-50 Cockatrice (1) 51-55 Hydra (1) 56-70 Lizardman (1d3+1, 15% chance of giant lizard) 71-85 Lizard, giant (1d8) 86-100 Primeval slime (1; 75% 2d4 HD, 20% 4d4 HD, 5% 4d4+20 HD) Water d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Troll (1) 9-15 Men, bandit (1d6x10, 1 hero/10, 1 captain/20) 16-32 Deep one (1d6x30 warriors, 1d4 war wizards, 1 L3 cleric/10 warriors, 1 L5 cleric/30 warriors) 33-49 Gargoyle (2d4) 50-66 Leech, colossal (1d4) 67-83 Harpy (2d4) 84-100 Pterodactyl (1d4) Woods d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Bugbear (3d6x10 goblins, plus 4 bugbears/30 goblins) 26-30 Men, bandit (1d6x10, 1 hero/10, 1 captain/20) 31-35 Men, acolyte (2d4, plus 75% 4d4 peasants, 50% 1 friar) 36-40 Ape-man, giant (1) 41-45 Centaur (2d10) 46-50 Cyclops (1) 51-55 Owlbear (1d6) 56-70 Wolf (75% 3d6, plus 75% 1 dire wolf; 25% 2d4 dire wolves) 71-85 Ape-man, four-armed (1) 86-100 Ape-man, jungle (2d4) Template d100 Encounter 1 Dragon (95% 1, 5% mated pair) 2 Demon (1) 3 Elemental (1) 4 Time traveler (2d4) 5-6 Dimensional sailor (1d4+3, 1 captain, plus 50% 1 wizard) 7-8 Hollow one (2d4) 9-10 Troll (1) 11-15 Subhuman (1d4x10, 1 leader) 16-20 Orc (1 boss, 1d8x5 orcs, 1 witch doctor/30 orcs) 21-25 Type of humanoid 26-30 Type of men 31-35 Type of men 36-40 Less common flavor monster for terrain 41-45 Less common flavor monster for terrain 46-50 Less common flavor monster for terrain 51-55 Less common flavor monster for terrain 56-70 Signature monster for terrain 71-85 Signature monster for terrain 86-100 Signature monster for terrain