Hobby philosophy: old and new paint jobs

Here’s a little old/new paint job comparison. It’s not night and day, but I can see the benefit of experience! From left to right, the Infiltrators are July 2023, May 2020, July 2023; Chaplains are July 2020, July 2023. The biggest changes are attempting proper edge highlighting, pin washes rather than all-over washes on armor,

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The paint-play-paint motivation cycle (and a Chaplain color guide)

“I’ll get to play with these” has been a powerful motivator since I got rolling in 2020, and I’ve always speculated that “I played and I like/didn’t like X, I need to paint some Y for my next game” would be similarly powerful. Kill Team has produced that cycle for me, except instead of X

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Kill Team game four: Blood Angels vs. Veteran Guardsmen

Most of my wargaming has been done with folks I already knew, or if it was with folks I didn’t know it was in the context of a convention (where that’s kind of the norm). Until today, I’d somehow never actually met up to play a game with a stranger before. My local shop, Mox

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Kill Team battle report: Blood Angels vs. Tyranids

Reagan and I got together on July 7th for our second match, Tyranids (him) vs. Blood Angels (me) playing the Secure Archaeotech mission. I’m not sure I have the stamina to post a battle report for every game I play, but as long as I do and it’s fun I’m going to keep doing it.

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Second Kill Team match: Seize Ground, Orks vs. Marines

Hot on the heels of my first match — the first-ever Kill Team game for Lark and me — on June 23rd my friend Reagan came over for a game. He didn’t have a strong preference for a team, so suggested he play the Marines. We built our teams from my available options, and I

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Our first Kill Team game: Deathskulls Orks vs. Blood Angels

One June 21st, Lark and I played our first game of Kill Team, and it was a blast. This was also the first time I’ve ever played a minis game where I’d painted everything on the table. I got out all the valid options I had for two teams, Greenskins (two Boyz fire teams) and

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My Corsair Voidscarred: the Void Tigers (with color guide)

While working on my Corsair Voidscarred kill team, I spent a few days reading about Aeldari and Corsairs and noodling about names. I adore the warband name “Sunblitz Brotherhood,” and that’s the energy I wanted to capture. I jotted down all sorts of ideas, but eventually returned to one of my first good ones: the

My Corsair Voidscarred: the Void Tigers (with color guide) Read More »

My 2021 and 2022 in miniature painting

In early 2021, I did a year-end retrospective photo for 2020 — the year I got back into miniature painting. I painted 97 miniatures that year, and I had a blast; returning to an old hobby I’d never quite clicked with (it’s complicated) was a perfect lockdown activity. By contrast, 2021 saw my enthusiasm flagging.

My 2021 and 2022 in miniature painting Read More »

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