Today I finished painting my second lance of ‘Mechs, two heavies and two mediums for my Long Nights mercenary company.
No outdoor shots today, just the lightbox — but I remembered to use my grey backdrop this time!

I sometimes regretted combining two colors that are notoriously difficult to paint — white and yellow — in the Phoenix Hawk’s color scheme, but I’m happy with how it turned out. Walking the line between looking like an anime mobile suit and looking like a BattleMech without being too twee about it was an enjoyable challenge.
It also gave me a chance to try Soulblight Grey, GW’s new grey wash, for the first time. It’s interesting stuff, almost feeling more like a contrast paint than a shade paint; it’s kind of milky. But it walks a pleasing line between no wash and a black wash.

I’m not sure how long it will last, but my goal is to never repeat a paint scheme. “They’re mercenaries” is a great excuse to just experiment and have fun painting whatever feels right at the moment.
Great work. And I will admit, some inspiration for painting the rest of my company.
Thank you so much! BT minis are a lot of fun to paint.
Your “bleeding skull” Atlas looks rad!