Fixed Squad Cain’s cloaks and finished them up

After ruining my Scouts’ camo cloaks with overzealous highlighting, I thought about my options, slept on it, and settled on the path that sounded the most reasonable to me: Repaint them in Mechanicus Standard Grey, allowing me to leave their necks alone and helping hide any areas I miss For the camo, stick with Celestra […]

Fixed Squad Cain’s cloaks and finished them up Read More »

WIP it good: Scouts on the painting desk

Over the past few days I worked on my converted Scouts, Squad Cain. The camo cloaks were an interesting challenge, and unfortunately they went from so-so to pretty good for my skill level to destroyed. These guys are new territory for me: The last time I painted camo was on model tanks when I was

WIP it good: Scouts on the painting desk Read More »

WIP it good: final three in Squad Karios, rolling on Squad Cain

I like being able to roll right from one painting project into the next, so my workflow always has a couple of tracks paralleling the main one — in this case, getting my Scouts fully based so that the models will be ready to paint when my tactical squad is completed. I let the texture

WIP it good: final three in Squad Karios, rolling on Squad Cain Read More »

March miniature progress

March was a productive month for me, miniature-wise: I painted 16 miniatures! As far as I can remember, this is the most figures I’ve ever painted in a single month. Painted 11 Space Hulk Terminators, completing my set Squad Karios: painted 5 Space Marines, primed and based 5 Space Marines Squads Dolos and Ultio, Dreadnought

March miniature progress Read More »

A month as a miniature painter: February-March 2020

Since I got back into miniature painting — and actually into it for the first time, really — on February 22, I’ve gotten quite a bit done: Painted 11 Terminators and three bits of scenery, completing my Space Hulk set (the Genestealers were already done) Assembled three squads for my Blood Angels army: Karios, Dolos,

A month as a miniature painter: February-March 2020 Read More »

WIP it good: more bases, naming units, and building my Librarian Dreadnought

By pure coincidence, this is my 300th post on Yore! I didn’t plan this one as number 300; I noticed I was getting close and then forgot about it, but as it turns out this grab-bag post of what’s on my mind right now (miniatures!) is pretty emblematic of my approach to blogging here. I

WIP it good: more bases, naming units, and building my Librarian Dreadnought Read More »

WIP it good: Squad Cain, scouts with a head conversion

My working concept for my Blood Angels army is the Faceless Strike Force, with 100% of the models in helmets. I wanted Space Marine Scouts in my army, which posed a small problem: the Scout kits only come with bare heads. Some Googling turned up two easy options for alternate scout heads: Skitarii Rangers and

WIP it good: Squad Cain, scouts with a head conversion Read More »

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