Mage Knight castle terrain for Frostgrave

While on the prowl for prepainted terrain for Frostgrave (paid link), I came across two easy decisions: the Mage Knight Castle Keep (paid link) and Mage Knight Castle Gatehouse (paid link). I remember these being on super-clearance a few years ago, so maybe the Castle line didn’t do so well? Whatever the case, they’re still quite cheap […]

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Pathfinder Pawns for Frostgrave: soldiers of the Inner Sea

I’m still raiding my Inner Sea Pawn Box (paid link) for Frostgrave (paid link) miniatures, and since yesterday was all about the wizards and apprentices I figured I’d circle back and share some soldiers. “Soldier” is Frostgrave’s generic term for hireling, covering everything from thugs to thieves to knights to apothecaries to war hounds. The

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Pathfinder Pawns for Frostgrave: wizards from the Inner Sea box

After picking up Frostgrave (paid link) and liking what I saw, my next purchase for the game was a box of Pathfinder Pawns (paid link) — specifically, the Inner Sea Pawn Box (paid link). From poking around online, I had the impression that Pathfinder Pawns would be a cheap, versatile, and attractive option for Frostgrave. You

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