Lesserton and Mor (paid link), written by Joel and Jeff Sparks of Faster Monkey Games, is a product that I don’t think has received its due. It’s a fantastic, unique, flavorful, and versatile sourcebook for a premade city and its neighboring open-air megadungeon, and it’s incredibly cool. (Update: And it’s now free in PDF!)
For starters, just look at this glorious Peter Mullen cover:

The late, great Steve Zieser did all of the interior art, and his style — like Mullen’s — matches up beautifully with L&M’s “dirty British fantasy” aesthetic.
The hook
L&M has an awesome premise: The ancient city of Mor, “mankind’s proudest achievement,” was sacked by barbarians, and then destroyed in a mysterious cataclysm. The refugees of Mor made their new home next door, and grew that ragged settlement into the city of Lesserton — “the adventurer’s paradise,” a home base for those brave and foolhardy enough to venture into Mor to claim its riches.
Lesserton is fully described in L&M, from districts to buildings to personalities to laws. But Mor is not — Mor, you make yourself. It’s even possible to roll it up as you play, creating new hexes and populating them as the PCs venture into unexplored territory (along the lines of my own Hexmancer).
What’s inside
L&M is a shrinkwrapped bundle, old-school style: a wraparound cardstock cover, unattached to the three booklets inside. The loose cover doubles as a map of Mor, intended to be filled in as you go. Inside are three books: a ref’s guide to Lesserton, a thinner players’ guide to Lesserton, and a guide to rolling up your own Mor.

Lesserton reminds me of WFRP’s Middenheim (paid link) and Terry Pratchett‘s Ankh-Morpork — two of my favorite fantasy cities — but it’s also its own animal. It’s populated by a ragtag mix of people, including many part-ork (“orkin”) folk descended from the original invaders of Mor, and home to all manner of gambling houses, pubs, and brothels. (“Fantasy Mos Eisley” would also be decent shorthand.)
The Referee’s Guide to Lesserton plumbs its depths rather well, and packs a lot of stuff into 68 pages. It’s not chaff, either — it’s stuff you’ll actually use at the table (like another of my favorite city books, Fever-Dreaming Marlinko [paid link], which I’ve written about on Yore).
There are regular pit fights, places to rob, weird shops where you can buy weird shit, normal shops that will sell you adventuring gear, and on and on. There’s a whole section on carousing, which I now realize I missed in my look at carousing in D&D from 1977 to present, and it’s great.
I loathe homework in RPGs, but I love players’ guides to settings; for me to be happy, players’ guides need to be extremely well done, or they’re just homework. The Player’s Guide to Lesserton is extremely well done. For starters, it’s 16 pages long.
What’s the city like? One page, boom. Where is X? There’s a map on the back cover. “I want to get shitfaced.” Covered. “I got too shitfaced, where do they take drunks here?” Covered. “Where do I gamble/drink/fuck?” Covered.
Also covered are lots of things that feel very Lesserton to me. For example, Brinkley’s Assurity Trust will, for 100gp, sell you a bumblebee pin that signals to the orkin tribes who live in Mor that there’s a ransom for your safe return. That’s brilliant! L&M is full of touches like that; it’s designed for play, not just reading (or worse, endless, droning setting-wankery), and it shows.
Finally, there’s the Referee’s Guide to Mor, plus its companion map. This booklet (28 pages, also a great length for what it needs to do) opens with useful background on Mor — what was where, what sort of city it was, and the like. That gives you a good foundation for improvisation during play.
The balance of the book is a framework for generating your own version of Mor, hex by hex, either in advance or on the spot. Random terrain, random buildings, random encounters, special areas (caches, dead magic zones, excavations, etc.) — pure hexcrawl goodness. It even covers generating the orkin clans who call Mor home.
Awesome possum
Put it all together, and L&M is a hell of a toolbox. To stretch the toolbox analogy a bit, it’s like a toolbox that contains some top-notch tools you’re likely to need, as well as the parts to make the ones it’d be more fun to create yourself, and an owner’s manual to help you make the most of both.
I rarely hear anyone talk about Lesserton and Mor (paid link), which is a shame — it’s a true gem of a setting. I rate it a 10/10, and heartily recommend it.
Thanks for the review. I will definitely be checking this out.
I hope you dig it! It’s such a fun setting.
As you say Martin, never heard of it before. It sounds dreamy though and I will be hunting it down and the Faster Monkey site too!
They’ve done some excellent work over the years.
Note that L&M is part of a loose confederation of 3rd party products that take the campaign setting sketch from the Labyrinth Lord rulebook and fill it in.
In additon to L&M there’s The Chronicles of Amherth, Guidebook to the City of Dolmvay, Guidebook to the Duchy of Valnwall, Ghoul Keep and the Ghoullands, In the Shadow of Mount Rotten, and a couple of dozen adventures, produced by Barrel Rider Games, Small Niche Games, Faster Monkey Games, etc.
The ties between all these products are loose, so the judge can take what he likes and discard the rest, but they all reference each other and tie in nicely to make a splendid OSR campaign setting. Very much like a latter-day Wilderlands of High Fantasy, if Judges Guild had concentrated more on adventures than sourcebooks, and if they had opened their sandbox to other publishers (which, to be fair, did not exist at the time).
I didn’t know that. What a cool idea!
I own (and like) In the Shadow of Mount Rotten. I’ll have to look up the others.
According to the Guidebook to the Duchy of Valnwall, Mt Rotten is 8 hexes Northwest of Lesserton. :)
Do you happen to know what happened to this product? Can’t find it on drivethrurpg and looks like the company closed down. Any idea where I can get it? Sad panda.
I believe, although I’m not 100% certain, that Faster Monkey went out of business. A cached page served up by Google suggests that they shuttered in November 2016:
“It’s a bittersweet thing to say goodbye, but here I am saying it. Faster Monkey Games will be shuttering its virtual doors, effective immediately.
I want to thank everyone who worked with us and supported us. Everyone who bought, reviewed, or even reviled our humble products. Thank you all.”
…and I poked my usual haunts for OOP print products, but no luck. Man, that’s a bummer! This is such a fantastic book, and it’s a real shame to see it disappear.
Ten Foot Blog looked at it in 2012 and gave a review; https://tenfootpole.org/ironspike/?p=869
I love Bryce’s reviews! He has saved me a ton of money over the years.